Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Family update

It's been awhile since I gave a family update. The summer has been so busy. Not sure what I was thinking have all their birthdays in the summer..and yes these were all planned pregnancies?
Chelsea received her official drivers license last week. Can't quiet explain the feeling you get in your stomach when you watch your baby back out the driveway. And I must include the the feeling Jeff felt in his stomach when I added her to our auto insurance plan. We did receive a 25% discount for her having straight A's. Tatiana just had her 13th birthday. You can definitely say she has the attitude of a teenager. But she is still a little girl at heart, still wants to play games and snuggle. I hope she never looses this. The twins have hit the terrible two stage. They are little fire balls, full of spunk. We have transitioned to big girl beds.....oh and they are very comfortable, I spend a lot of time in them! The potty training is a long process. We have got the pee, pee in the potty down pretty well. But the #2 issue is not going so well. Don't know if I can stomach anymore accidents?? But survived the other two, I see the light at the end of the tunnel. The babies are little cuddle bugs like my Tati. The best thing to ever hear from the mouth of your children is that they Love you. So dang cute in their squeaky voices. They love to rub my face and play with my hair. These precious moments go by so fast. I just have to keep telling myself or more like yelling at myself.... Just stop, and enjoy these times, don't worry about the laundry, the floor, the dishes!!! Guess what, it will all still be there, but the little cute things they all do and say don't always come around again!!!

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