Monday, December 8, 2008

Babies dancing to Christmas songs :)

The tree is a little bare. The babies have yanked all the lower half of the ornaments off. I don't want to hang any of my fragile ones. Today I'm planning on going to buy a few more plastic ones! I will send some updated pics of the Charlie Brown tree!
Last year Tati was testing the realness of Santa. She asked Santa for a puppy, a elf and a frog. So I found a puppy ornament, a plastic frog and this singing elf stuffed animal. She loved the singing elf. This is a video of her sharing it with her sisters. That is her wonderful singing in the background!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Kissing Grammy and Grampy

We have been showing the babies pictures of Jeff's family. This is a video of Madison kissing Grammy and Grampy. Don't worry you will all get big kisses for Christmas!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Zoo Lights

We went to the zoo last weekend.

They decorate the zoo with lights everywhere. They give you 3D glasses that create snowman around the lights. It was fun, something different. Even the big kids had fun!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

To be Thankful~

I just want to say a few words of what I'm thankful for. I'm most thankful for my four beautiful daughters, my husband, wonderful family and great friends. Thankful that we are all in great health. Thankful to still have a job in this sh*ty economy. But there is a few things I wanted to add to the list that may not always be mentioned!

*I'm thankful for pitted olives. These on fingers of toddlers keep them amused for about 20 minuets.
*I'm thankful that my husband can cook! No explanation needed.
*I'm thankful Costco makes pies!
*I'm thankful that the giblets in the turkey come in a nice little bag so I don't have to see them. And I am not cooking those up and putting them in the gravy. YUK!
*I'm thankful I made it through Thanksgiving without kicking Aunt Jann's or Mom's rat dogs across the room!
*I'm thankful that Auntie Lisa came early to dress the babies. As everyone arrived I was still in my pajamas.
*I'm thankful for Grandpa's green surprise casserole. The surprise is that it is different every year, and who really likes it???
*I'm thankful that my mother has two legs for the babies to hang on. I felt allot lighter for a few hours.
*I'm thankful for Bloody Mary's!! And that it's ok to drink them before noon!
*I'm thankful for Jesse that he could keep the older girls busy so they didn't kill each other.
*I'm thankful for Shawn! Someone had to eat that green bean surprise!
*Did I mention I'm thankful that my husband can cook!
*I'm thankful that the babies didn't pull the table cloth down! And they tried!
*I'm thankful for jello with little pieces of fruit in it. This keeps toddlers busy for at least another 20 minuets.
*I'm thankful that Chelsea could pencil us in and join us for Thanksgiving dinner with her very busy schedule!
*I'm thankful Grandma Sheila told me I need to put socks on the babies. Wow how did the other two ever survive? (This is only funny if you know Grandma)
*I'm thankful to whomever had the great idea to give the babies cranberry jelly. This is great art smeared every where.
*I'm thankful I have a sense of humor or I would be insane!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
P.S. I would have posted some pictures but I didn't take one picture. I was too busy trying to get the dinner out. Sorry, I will post some soon!