Friday, January 30, 2009

The babies have found their new role models. They copy everything their big sisters do. This is so cute. Every gesture, every expression they copy big sissy. But there is a catch.

My wonderful older girls taught them (thinking it would be funny!) how to pick there nose and eat it. Yes another great milestone in our kids life!! Thank God for big sisters!!

Cooking with Dada

The babies love to pull a chair up to the island and watch us cook.

They are getting so big and their personalities are really coming out. They love to play babies. They carefully lay the dolls down and cover them with blankets and say, "shh baby night, night." Madison's new word is,~ Mean. She uses it regularly to refer to her dad. It's mama, dada mean, dada mean! They both say, Thank you very clearly. Christina loves to run and say, Ready, Set, Go!!

Chelsea passed her written test for her learners permit. She started drivers ed at school this week. She drives pretty good. But with me in the car we are both a nervous wreck! I don't think mothers should teach their teenage daughters how to drive! And of course I have been driving for 21 years and know nothing!!!

Tati is doing well. She has been working hard at school. She had her first oral report in front of the class. We all know she is very shy. I thought for sure she would just not do it. I was so proud that she followed through and did it! Tati also loves cooking with Jeff. She is Jeff''s little helper with Sunday's dinners. Hopefully, I would like to put her in a summer cooking camp!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Tired babies

Tired babies~ trying to sleep on the stairs.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


It was another exciting Saturday night at the Paluzzi house. Jeff worked at Duffy's and the older girls went camping in the snow with their dad. They had a blast. They went sledding and roasted hot dogs on the fire. Not really my cup of tea!
The babies have had a horrible cold and have been whinny it seems like for about a month. So hoping to have a relaxing night full of cuddles, I put them in the bath. And all of a sudden bubbles appeared! I have never seen two little girls laugh so much! Then it was on~ the bubble fest! They were so proud of their new accomplishment. Laughing at each other, grunting and making faces. Jeff can't deny these two are his.
Most moms write of the great accomplishments of their children. But I think the greatest accomplishment as a mother is to see that pure, honest so fulfilling joy and laughter in your children. The innocence of true happiness and uninhibited fun. Oh and I was so thankful that it was JUST bubbles and no surprises!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


The big kids playing RockBand on a Friday night. And of course Auntie Lisa rocking out!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


We received these adorable tutu's from Linda and Tom for Christmas. I have been chasing them around for days trying to get a picture with them on.

Today there was ducks in the front yard. Big sister took us out to feed them. You can thank grandma as our fashion stylist.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mommy and me

I took Madison to the pediatrician today. She has not slept in her bed since we arrived home on vacation on the 29th. She sleeps perfectly content in my bed. I have tried everything! I have purchased two new night lights and a music box night light. I have rocked her to sleep, let her cry for countless hours. But the minuet her tiny, little Innocent face hits the crib she jumps up like she's ready to run a marathon. So I took her to the doctors' today. Maybe she has an ear infection? Maybe sore throat? Something to trigger her behavior. Something to make me feel sympathy for her. Guess what nada, nothing!! Perfectly healthy! She's just a mommy girl. It's just Madison! Don't know what to try next. I will take any suggestions! I have not slept for ten days! And Jeff is about to strangle us both. Any ideas??

Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas in Boston 2008

This year we spent six days in Beverly, MA. with Jeff's family for Christmas. We had a wonderful time. We spent Christmas Eve at Jeff's aunt and uncles house and Christmas day at his brothers. We were also there for his brother Danny's birthday party. For his birthday we all went bowling and had a party after at his mother's house. The food was great as usual!

The plane rides were a little rocky. The four hour nonstop flight there was torture! We had a lay over in Cincinnati on the way home. This was a little better. Letting the babies get out and run around helped. Can't understand why people give you dirty looks and get angry when you have a baby on the plane?? It's Christmas isn't it? What is Christmas , Family of course!! If you don't want to be on a airplane with kids~ Don't fly around Christmas time!

New Year's Eve was uneventful. We were all in bed around 10:00. I guess were getting a little old!