Monday, December 8, 2008

Babies dancing to Christmas songs :)

The tree is a little bare. The babies have yanked all the lower half of the ornaments off. I don't want to hang any of my fragile ones. Today I'm planning on going to buy a few more plastic ones! I will send some updated pics of the Charlie Brown tree!
Last year Tati was testing the realness of Santa. She asked Santa for a puppy, a elf and a frog. So I found a puppy ornament, a plastic frog and this singing elf stuffed animal. She loved the singing elf. This is a video of her sharing it with her sisters. That is her wonderful singing in the background!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Kissing Grammy and Grampy

We have been showing the babies pictures of Jeff's family. This is a video of Madison kissing Grammy and Grampy. Don't worry you will all get big kisses for Christmas!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Zoo Lights

We went to the zoo last weekend.

They decorate the zoo with lights everywhere. They give you 3D glasses that create snowman around the lights. It was fun, something different. Even the big kids had fun!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

To be Thankful~

I just want to say a few words of what I'm thankful for. I'm most thankful for my four beautiful daughters, my husband, wonderful family and great friends. Thankful that we are all in great health. Thankful to still have a job in this sh*ty economy. But there is a few things I wanted to add to the list that may not always be mentioned!

*I'm thankful for pitted olives. These on fingers of toddlers keep them amused for about 20 minuets.
*I'm thankful that my husband can cook! No explanation needed.
*I'm thankful Costco makes pies!
*I'm thankful that the giblets in the turkey come in a nice little bag so I don't have to see them. And I am not cooking those up and putting them in the gravy. YUK!
*I'm thankful I made it through Thanksgiving without kicking Aunt Jann's or Mom's rat dogs across the room!
*I'm thankful that Auntie Lisa came early to dress the babies. As everyone arrived I was still in my pajamas.
*I'm thankful for Grandpa's green surprise casserole. The surprise is that it is different every year, and who really likes it???
*I'm thankful that my mother has two legs for the babies to hang on. I felt allot lighter for a few hours.
*I'm thankful for Bloody Mary's!! And that it's ok to drink them before noon!
*I'm thankful for Jesse that he could keep the older girls busy so they didn't kill each other.
*I'm thankful for Shawn! Someone had to eat that green bean surprise!
*Did I mention I'm thankful that my husband can cook!
*I'm thankful that the babies didn't pull the table cloth down! And they tried!
*I'm thankful for jello with little pieces of fruit in it. This keeps toddlers busy for at least another 20 minuets.
*I'm thankful that Chelsea could pencil us in and join us for Thanksgiving dinner with her very busy schedule!
*I'm thankful Grandma Sheila told me I need to put socks on the babies. Wow how did the other two ever survive? (This is only funny if you know Grandma)
*I'm thankful to whomever had the great idea to give the babies cranberry jelly. This is great art smeared every where.
*I'm thankful I have a sense of humor or I would be insane!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
P.S. I would have posted some pictures but I didn't take one picture. I was too busy trying to get the dinner out. Sorry, I will post some soon!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Mother's and Daughters

I listen to allot of friends and co-workers sing the praise of motherhood. Oh it's the greatest gift ever! Never felt a stronger Love. My perfect little angels~
Blah, Blah, Ya, Ya!!! We all feel this way as new Mothers! You make me want to puke! Just kidding. It's because none of them have teenage daughters!

The first day I held Chelsea in my arms, I thought this is what life is all about. I never felt a stronger bond. I never wanted to leave her. Then I had Tati~ I never knew I could love them both soo soo much. My little princess and peanut.
Oh they loved their m0mmy. Cuddles and loves everyday. Always looking up to mommy for answers and approval. Mommy, mommy look what I can do!

Then I blinked! In a instant Chelsea was grown up! I think aliens may have abducted my little princess. No more cuddles or kisses. Once she asked me about everything. Now all a sudden I know nothing. But some how I should know how to read minds and interpret facial expressions. If you don't have any teenagers let me tell you you learn how to read facials expressions very quickly. Their not allowed to use swear words or flip you off. But just with a roll of the eyes and the ever lasting sighs they do this without ever saying a word. The last year was a little challenging with her. Some days I couldn't stand to be in the same room as her. Then the aliens must have returned her. Of course with more knowledge than any other adult~ ha, ha!
Then she started high school. And found a social circle. Now I never see her. Except for when she needs money. And I think of the days we would fight constantly and I still miss her terribly. I miss Friday girly night watching movies. I miss my little princess. But all mothers of older daughters reassure me that she will come back.

And now Tati is 12. She still is my little cuddle muffin. She still rubs my back, brushes my hair. Always wants to sit on Mommy's lap. I think she will still be sitting on my lap when she's 30.
But the aliens only abduct her for hours at a time and then return her. Boy oh boy she is moody. I'm not always sure what I do . But some how just by the way I stand or the way the wind blows, or if it's the third Tuesday of the month, I can totally infuriate that little girl.
This girl is going to be a politician when she grows up. She is the master of debating anything. If you tell her it's hot she will argue that it is warm.
Jeff will ask why do you let a child upset you so much. I don't know. She knows how to push my buttons and which ones to push. Why do I look to her for assurance and acceptance? Why can motherhood be the greatest gift to us yet sometimes make us feel like the biggest failures. We so want to be the best for our children. We want to be the greatest mother on the block. We want to give them everything we never had. I think I tend to forget that the greatest gift to give my children is teaching them respect and love. Ipods, Xbox's don't do this.
Each day I hope I did it correctly. There was no manual or warranty delivered with the children. Even if there was I'm sure I would have voided the warranty by missing a oil change or broke some type of seal???

I just want to take the time to tell my mom I'm sorry for all the things I did as a teenager. The hurtful words, the hours of worrying, and the missing of the cuddles!

I just hope my little princess and peanut come back some day. Then I think to myself by the time this happens I will have two more teenage daughters?!?!
Poor Jeff! And to think he paid for this, literally paid for this.

Friday, November 21, 2008

bad hair day again!

Playing with dada.

Tickle, Tickle!!!

Mommy rake the leaves, I mess them up.

Our puppy Sophie

Ridem cow girl! Love the rocking moose! Thanks auntie Lisa!

Yes, she has a bow in her hair. Had to take a picture, won't last long.

My beautiful girls!

Friday, November 14, 2008

More pictures

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!

Just kicking back.

Playing with big Sister

Playing with big Sister!

Watch me fly!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Our first movie

Last Friday we attempted to take the twins to there first movie in the theater. We chose Madagascar 2, thinking it would have enough action and animation to keep there attention. I decided I might change the name of my blog from Shannon's family to SHANNON'S DUMB IDEAS!! What was I thinking again?
So we settle in our seats. Christina on big sitters lap (Tati) and Madison on Jesse's. Big tub of popcorn and soda of course. Sweet this ain't so bad! The first half hour or so Christina was great. She was really into the movie, chowing down on popcorn. She started to get a little ancy, so I bribed her with candy. All is well. Oh wait I forgot to add what Madison was doing! By now Madison is about 3 seats down hitting some elderly lady's leg. And it gets better! She decides to play duck, duck, goose on the heads of the people below us. Did I mention she has a cup full of soda in her hand also. Ya I know soda and candy not so good for kids??? But I had to do whatever I could to just make it about another half hour. So feeling bad for everyone around us and poor Jesse and Tati I pick both them up and head for the exit. Now we will attempt the arcade?!?! Lots of lights flashing and noise should keep us busy awhile. Movie ends, meet up with the big kids, pile in the car and think to myself I'm making lasting moments. Ya right!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

School Projects

So all mothers of kids know this one, right?? Tati comes home last week and says, " I need to make a model of an atom." Ok I say. A few days pass, I forget of course!! So she reminds me again, I forget again! So anyways it's due Friday. I will buy the stuff the Monday before. Oh wait it gets better. I can't be made of normal stuff like clay or Styrofoam. Duh?? It needs to be made of food. I don't even remember what a model of an atom looks like. So Monday between screaming babies on my lap, I surf the net. What happen to teachers giving outlines and examples??? So I give Tati tons of options, of course I know nothing in her mind. Anyways while shopping Tuesday I found an assortment of colorful gum balls. Bring them home, Yeah!! Mom is hero once again (usually doesn't last too long). Tati has this bright idea to assemble the model on the kitchen table. We all know better, but of course I know nothing. And just to vent awhile, she has a new $300 desk in her room. Which has perfect working space. She carefully separates the colors, lines everything up perfect and yes there is a glue gun.
Then in a flash arrives the SPIDER MONKEYS!! Madison and Christina are on the table in a blink of an eye. Gum balls flying!! Mom screaming, Jeff yelling, Tati scrambling. And two cute little spider monkeys with mouths full of colorful gumballs.
Tati regrouped and started over on the kitchen counter. Mission accomplished, model done about 9:30. All kids still alive and time to go to bed~

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

We survived trick-or-treat

Well one more milestone accomplished. We survived trick or treating. Christina who usually is shy was a pro. She loves candy! She had no problem grabbing handfuls. Madison was a little shy to start, but figured out there was candy under all those pretty wrappers. And believe me she ate a few wrappers. The big girls took off and we didn't see them until it was time to go home. Then it was the throw the candy on the floor and plan the strategic trade. All battles were won and everyone left happy with a bag full of candy!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Dumb idea

So about a month ago I made the twins and everyone an appointment for there flu shots and the babies well child check up for Oct. 30th. Well the babies received 3 shots and Tati had 4 shots and luckily the flu mist. Any ways~~~ I'm just informing you all this is a dumb idea, duh? This morning the babies woke up angry as ever. Crying every time they stand up and grabbing there little chunky legs crying "OWY, OWY!!" What was I thinking? Tati was a little sore, but still geared up to do the trick or treat marathon. Chelsea just had to have the flu shot. She could not have the mist because she has asthma. So her arm is a little sore, but she has one good arm to hold the goody bag! And yes, she's too big to hang out with us or cuddle~ But she won't miss trick or treating with us (at least I still have this). Hopefully after a warm bath the babies will feel better and be ready for the big day. I will keep you all informed. Or if I don't post for a few days, I went insane!!! Ha Ha!

Play with the tent

They babies are playing in the tent Auntie Jann and Uncle Kevin gave them. They were playing hide-n-seek. But every time I break out the camera they stop??!??

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

We carved pumpkins at Auntie Lisa's Saturday. I'm not sure if we do this for ourselves or the children. Half way through the cleaning out of the carcass Chelsea gave up. Of course, damn it were carving pumpkins rather you like it or not!??! Any ways I finished Chelsea's. I'm getting pretty good at it, from the many years of completing the kids. Tati's turned out great, and she finished it! Then the kids played in Auntie Lisa's leaves. And later I cleaned leaves out of every where possible on the babies. All in all it was a successful holiday celebration! Next the Great trick or treat!