Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Wow I visited my blog today and noticed I had Happy New Year Background still. My last post was from February. My life has been very busy. Two toddlers and two teenagers will keep you busy. My good friend calls this T-N-T. The twins will be three soon. Chelsea will be 17 in June and Tatiana will be 14 in July. Time sure flies. I'm trying to entertain the twins, occupying their time with activities and play dates. I'm running Tati to dance several day a week. Chelsea..all I can say is a 16 yr old girl. She has me in a consistent state of worry. Just to see her back out of the driveway makes your heart sink. She is a very responsible, intelligent young lady. So proud of what she has became. Chelsea will always be my little baby girl. Always wanting to protect her from the world. Tati is coming out of her shyness. She has tried out for cheer leading and loving dance. The twins love to watch Tati dance and copy all her moves. When I was pregnant with the twins I really questioned the bond Chelsea and Tati would have with them. To my amazement Tatiana and Chelsea love their sisters. They are like little mommy's so eager to teach them everything. This is not always a good thing! I'm so blessed to have four healthy, happy, beautiful girls! Now God just needs to bless me with patients and time management skills.

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